As our clubs are preparing to take a break for the summer, it is important to remember that Trafficking doesn’t take a holiday.  Young women and girls (and some young men) are being offered for sale in hotel rooms, at truck stops and perhaps even in a house around the corner.

The United Nations has designated July 30 as World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Last year the UN committee developed a set of public service announcements (one PSA sample is seen here ) that our clubs can use on their Facebook pages.  These can still be used this year and are available on the D4 site.

We recommend posting one each week.   If your club’s Facebook manager is away for the summer, please ask another member to take on this task.  Ask your members to share these PSAs on their own Facebook and other platforms.

Want to learn more about how easy it is for young persons to get trapped in the world of trafficking, we recommend a novel by Tamara Cherry called All the Bumpy Pebbles, which is set in Southern Ontario…not in someone else’s backyard.

July 30 – United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

There are six information cards that can be used in social media posts, club communications and on your websites. They share vital statistics and resources about human trafficking and demonstrate Zonta’s support of this special UN International Day.

UN International days are a powerful advocacy tool. They serve many purposes including educating the general public about global problems, mobilizing political will to allocate resources to address these problems and encouraging positive actions of humanity.

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