District 4
Zonta International
Zonta International is a leading global organization of individuals working together to build a better world for women and girls.
Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential.
In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on an equal basis with men.
In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.
District 4
District 4 is a District of “Firsts.”On November 8, 1919, in Buffalo, New York, Marian de Forest, along with other prominent women leaders, forged ahead to begin the Confederation of Zonta Clubs. This group of women had a vision to help all women realize greater equality while using their individual and collective expertise in service to their community.
In 1927, when the Zonta Club of Toronto was chartered, the name was changed to Zonta International, an organization that has now grown to more than 28,090 members in 63 countries, all working together to make gender equality a reality for women and girls worldwide.
Zonta takes its name from the Lakota Sioux Indian word meaning “honest and trustworthy”.
Zonta has a long and well-respected history of service provision to women and is a key advocate for women’s’ rights. Zonta works in partnership with United Nations agencies, and like-minded organizations to address issues that impede the achievement of equality and empowerment, and to address gender violence in all its forms.
Organization of Individuals
Serving Women & Girls Worldwide
Members in District 4 provide service and advocacy to both their local and international communities through a wide range of service projects and events. Our members regularly support functions to acknowledge International Women’s Day and Zonta Rose Day, on the 8th March, and United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of violence against women, November 25th.

Area Workshops/Summits
Area Summits are a one-day event held each April to update members on the latest procedures and information on activities within Zonta. Two to three Area Workshops are held covering the Western New York & Pennsylvania & Eastern Ontario within District 4 allowing Zonta members to attend within a reasonable distance from their homes.

District Conference
District Conference is a two-day event held in September of odd-numbered years and provides opportunities for Zonta members to interact with each other while conducting District business. All members are welcome and a club delegate(s) will act on behalf of their club during business proceedings.

ZI Convention
Zonta International Convention, a four-day event held at the end of June of even-numbered years, is a time to conduct Zonta International business. All members are encouraged to attend while club delegate(s) actively participate in a review of new and existing bylaws, biennial advocacy and service projects, as well as approving the allocation of fundraising efforts. It is a time for a member to discover a new country or city, rekindle and develop global friendships, and foster their commitment to the equality and empowerment of women and girls through service and advocacy.
District 4
Why We Are different

We are an International District. District 4 is comprised of 30 clubs in a region that includes South-central Ontario, Western New York, and Western Pennsylvania. The District is divided into six areas, each with an Area Director who is a member of the District Board.
Projects & Awards
What We Do



Leadership Development

Pursuit for Education
Zonta believes education will save the lives of women and girls. Scholarships in business, technology and aerospace are offered to shrink the gender gap in education. While the Young Women in Public Affairs Award acknowledges involvement in a students’ own community.

Z & Golden Z Clubs
Z Clubs and Golden Z Clubs are student organizations providing opportunities for our youth to develop leadership skills, explore career alternatives, and improve international understanding through service projects and advocacy.

Connection to United Nations

Zonta International Membership
Clubs within District 4 are welcoming new members.
Contact a District 4 club for more information.