ZONTA CLUB OF WARREN was recognized, by the Warren County Chamber of Business and Industry on Friday, November 18 2023. Accepting the award is Zonta President Jennifer Bliss.

It’s YOU, the people of the Warren community, that make this place the greatest place on Earth. It’s the movers and the shakers that get things done, the people that get up every day and do the daily grind, and those that do not let the word “no” stop them, that make the biggest difference to so many people. It’s YOU that allow US to do our job. Without YOU, we would not have this amazing community. Warren would not be a great place to visit or an even better place to live without YOU. YOU change our world. The smallest act of kindness to someone in need, paying it forward in the line at your local coffee shop, donating money to a nonprofit, or volunteering your time at an event is very important. YOU change our world just by being yourself. And why not be yourself? Everyone else is already taken! We’re proud of each and every one of YOU, for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to our community. Above all, let who you are and what you believe shine through every sentence you write, every project you finish, and every great idea you have. Because WE need YOU.

Congratulations to all the winners of our Celebration of Excellence Gala. YOU are the rock stars, so keep up the good work!

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