District 4 Zonta Foundation Ambassador January 2024 Update 

A huge thank you to those District 4 members and clubs who donated to the Zonta Foundation for Women (ZFW) Every Member Every November campaign.  The campaign was declared a success and achieved its goal to increase monthly recurring and new gifts. 

The District 4 ZFW Ambassadors are happy to report donations made by District 4 members and clubs continue to grow and get us closer to our district goals!

ZFW donations made by District 4 members and clubs from June 2022 to December 2023 are:

  • $80,340 has been given by District 4 members and clubs
  • 25 out of 30 District 4 clubs have donated to ZFW or 83%. District 4 is very close to achieving its goal of 100% participation!
  • 160 out of 648 members or 25% of District 4 members have made a donation

District 4 ZFW Ambassadors will be sharing club giving information to club Presidents over the next few weeks.

Let’s keep the momentum going!  Your District 4 Foundation Ambassadors must still kindly ask you “we want your money” to meet our district and total ZFW goals! Funds raised to December 2023 are at 75% of the total target.  With only five months remaining in this biennium we especially ask those members and clubs that have not yet made a donation this biennium to please consider a gift.

There are two upcoming events that offer opportunities for you to make a gift to ZFW.  Zonta Rose Day on March 8 celebrates International Women’s Day and honors individuals who have made a positive impact on you or your community.  Gifts can also be made in person at the Spring Summits in April.  More information will be shared closer to these events.

Lastly a thank you to those clubs that have reached out to Janice Durmis and Marnie Piggot, ZFW District 4 Ambassadors to join your club meetings to promote the work of ZFW to your members.  Please contact us if your club is interested in hearing from us.

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