Accepting the award are Rachel McClellan, Childhood Development Instructor and Jim Evers, Career Center Director

Every year Warren Zonta presents service organizations in Warren county a service award to help with a special project. This year the Warren County Career Center asked if Zonta could help in the purchase of a Reality Works Real Care Baby.  Each Real Care Baby costs $1,119.00 and will be used by the students in the Early Childhood Development program. The Real Care babies will provide students with real-life skills in meeting the needs of infants and will assist them in completing their required certifications.

RealCare Baby® 3 (formerly known as Baby Think It Over® or BTIO®) is the world’s most advanced infant simulator. Educators around the world use this unique learning aid to teach early childhood, parenting, infant health lessons, and sex education. This smart baby adds meaning and accountability by using wireless programming to track and report on caregiver behaviors. Tracked behaviors include care events, mishandling actions, time in a car seat as well as clothing changes. Baby includes four sets of curriculum and activities to help instructors create relevant and career-driven learning experiences.

We presented to the Warren County Career Center $2,238.00 to purchase two Real Care Babies.

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