As District 4 Zonta Foundation Ambassadors, we want to congratulate the Spring Summit attendees for exceeding the goal we asked of you. Your Zonta Spirit is shining and making a better world for women and girls!

The numbers are not yet finalized due to online giving but we have almost stepped over the $5,000.00 mark. Leading the way with $54.00/attendee and the smallest number of attendees is Area 5/6!

On behalf of the Zonta Foundation for Women we thank you for your gracious support. We can’t do this alone. It takes a district, club and individual members, friends and family supporting our projects, educational scholarships and endowments.

As we said in our Area Spring Summit presentations WE WANT YOUR MONEY!

In the next month as we end a Zonta year and begin a new one, a great way to honor your new members, incoming and outgoing board members, special celebrations and remembering friends that are no longer with us is to make a donation in their name to the Zonta Foundation for Women. Build a Better World for Women and Girls. A present for the future.


District 4 ZFW Ambassadors,

     Marnie and Janice

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