Join Us for the 58th District 4 Conference!

September 22 - 23, 2023








Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

This is an overview of the Zonta International District 4 Conference.

More information, accommodations, and registration are available on the Members’ Site.


Past Conferences

Get Ready!

For this Biennium’s Conference!

Two days instead of three to show your Zonta Spirit!

Learn from leaders, engage with others beyond your club, take care of district business, socialize and have fun!

Join Us in Advance!

Listen to nominated candidates

and elect District 4 Board & officers.


Meet candidates online before our District Conference—date to be announced.

A candidate listing will be presented in the Call to Conference released in mid-June.

D4 Elections

In the week preceding our District Conference, club delegates will be asked to login into Election Buddy to vote for the 2024-2026 District 4 Board and Officers.


Spend Two Days Engaging Beyond your Club


What’s happening at Zonta International and election results for the 2024-2026 board and officers. Keynote speakers cover topics of inclusion and diversity, and climate change. Workshop sessions will dive deeper into Signal For Help, Zonta Says NOW and offering help to clubs.


With fellow Zonta members, district board and committees. Laugh Friday evening away and continue the fellowship with new and established friends. Wish to continue the weekend? Opt in for the Saturday evening at a winery and possibly plan an additional day in the Niagara region.

D4 Business

Choose your club delegate(s) for the 58th District 4 Conference. This is the opportunity for clubs to participate in amending the D4 Rules of Procedure and preparing for the coming biennium. Don’t be left out! Everyone has a voice in Zonta, whether within the club, district or Zonta International.

Build Relations

Engaging in district business is only a small part of our conference. Learning, having fun, and meeting new people is often what will strengthen your connection to Zonta. Take this opportunity to build relationships with members from two US States and Ontario, Canada!


Zonta’s Plan for the Future!


Looking to the future of Zonta and continuing Zonta’s legacy and mission.


Sustaining our programs and projects to support women and girls in the future.

Strategic Plan

Hear what Zonta International’s investigation has found?


Conference Keynote Speakers

Salla Tuominen

Zonta International President-Elect & Liaison to D4

Zonta International – Update & Strategic Plan

Zonta Club of Helsinki I, Finland, District 20
Motto: Either you run the day or the day runs you.

Salla is a third generation Zontian and has been a member since 2005. During the 2020-2022 Biennium, Salla served as Vice President and Zonta’s future is her focus. Salla has been active throughout all levels of leadership, including being a director of the 2018-2020 International Board and has had extensive experience within her district board having served in almost all roles.

As an attorney at law specializing in both domestic and international corporate transactions, Salla keeps a “can do” attitude while working under enormous time pressure with complex legal and strategical issues alongside international teams.

Her goals are to put more emphasis on long-term strategic planning for Zonta’s focus areas, simplify Zonta’s organizational structure, advance effective topical working methods and attract diverse members. Salla believes that motivated members are needed to achieve gender equality and keep Zonta strong in the future and that active communication will strengthen the visibility and impact of Zonta.

Deirdre Pike

justice advocate, community researcher, 2SLGBTQI+ training facilitator and regular columnist

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

In 2001, Deirdre Pike joined the Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton, retiring recently as a Senior Social Planner. Pike became known for her facilitation skills, community-based research, and policy work in poverty reduction, affordable housing and homelessness, and creating 2SLGBTQI+ positive spaces.

Since 2019, Deirdre has been the Justice and Outreach Program Consultant for the Anglican Diocese of Niagara. Her focus there has included climate justice, truth and reconciliation, human trafficking awareness, food insecurity, and anti-racism education. Pike is also the principal facilitator in Queer Positive Power, leading 2SLGBTQI+ Positive Space training.

In her presentation, Moving Beyond ‘Shiny Diversity’ Deidre will explore the true meaning of equity, diversity and inclusion and how we can work to attain meaningful diversity and inclusion in our world.


Enjoy Niagara Falls, ON’s Hospitality



Enjoy the conference and your accommodations in one place with an amazing view of the Canadian Falls.

Zonta guest information on the D4 members’ conference webpage!

Marriott Fallsview Website link (access booking site through members’ website)


Register for the 58th D4 Conference 2023 Today!

I invite you to join many District 4 Zonta members for a great time at our District Conference!

Meet up with other Zonta members at Conference, conduct business, and have fun. Oh, and learn a few things during your stay.


Follow Along in D4

Zonta Jamestown Inducts New Members

Zonta Jamestown Inducts New Members

Zonta Club of Jamestown Welcomes New Members The Zonta Club of Jamestown is proud to announce the induction of its newest members, further strengthening its mission to build a better world for women and girls. The induction ceremony, held on January 22, welcomed four...

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