International Women’s Day (IWD) March 8th


Zonta Rose Day March 8th.

            Since 1911, International Women’s Day has occurred and remains an important moment for working to advance women’s equality. This global day belongs to everyone, everywhere celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It is a day to honor women.

Zonta Rose Day coincides with International Women’s Day. Since 1999, the yellow rose has been the inspiration and symbol of Zonta Rose Day. The yellow rose means friendship, joy and caring.

Here are just a few ideas for you or your club to honor women. You can send a card to someone to say thank you for supporting you or that you admire what they have done or are doing or someone who has inspired you. You could give a yellow rose to someone who has helped you in any way or who has contributed to the community by volunteering or has started a new business. You could visit someone or take them to lunch or for coffee, tea, or wine. At a club meeting create the Zonta Spirit with an activity that honors each member. Maybe have members pick a member’s name and write on a paper with a picture of a rose something about a member that they admire. Then share the note.  You can always donate to Zonta Foundation for Women Rose fund in honor of a special woman or women.

In Zonta Spirit, the engaging team would like to honor all our members for their contributions to Zonta and to their communities.

The following three images are issued by Zonta International for promotion.

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