Greetings from the Zonta Club of KW,

We are excited to share that our team of 7 (one who walked in the sunny south) raised just under $6000.00 in the Empowering Women Walk for Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region, which put us as the top fundraising team. Such a great cause, and this served as our service project for 16 Days as well.

We are pleased to say that both Kitchener and Waterloo oranged their downtown areas on November 25th, and 44 community centres and 38 businesses displayed our poster and/or Zonta Sign for the 16 Days.  Several of our members were caught in the orange light on the 25th.
A small group of our members attended the YW breakfast and rose ceremony, and/or the Canadian Federation of University Women KW vigil on December 6th, the National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women. This marked the 34th anniversary of the 14 young women who were murdered at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal by a lone male shooter.

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