Girls hear enough about how they should fit in.
How about telling them that they are enough?
Let’s stop spreading negative messages about what girls should be, what they should wear, how they should behave, why they should change themselves, etc.
This International Day of the Girl, 11 October, Zonta International will change the narrative.
- On one side of the paper write a message you heard as a child that did not empower you.
- Flip the paper (and thereby flip the message) and write a message you wish you were told instead, something that challenges these negative thoughts that cause lasting damage and restrain girls from reaching their full potential.
- Film yourself holding the paper for about 10 seconds on each side – you do not need to talk – you do not even need to smile – just be yourself.
Submit the video via [email protected] before 4 October.
But we need your help – your voice – your message to reach girls around the world.
We ask all members to submit a 15 to 30 second video with two messages.