Fabulous & Fun Fashion Show

On Friday, Sept 27th the Zonta Club of Owen Sound came together for a truly Fabulous and FUN evening!  The committee raised in excess of $3000.00 from this sold out fashion show, with the proceeds to be allocated for initiatives in our community that support women and girls. Our foray into this type of a fundraiser was a test for both the club members and the community; we weren’t sure of what to expect but suffice it to say it was a smashing success!  It was a lot of work but worth every minute of it.  It truly does take a village.  From the music, to the food, to the door prize donations, there was so much support to make this such a memorable evening. 4 local stores showcased their beautiful fall and winter collections while vendors brought wares to sell to the guests.  We are especially lucky in Grey Bruce to have a generous community that turns out to support our events!  With this success to build upon, club members have voted overwhelmingly to host another fashion show fundraiser in 2025. Stay tuned for an update to mark your calendars in the near future! 

Zonta of Owen Sound held the 25th Annual Ladies Golf Classic

On a rainy Thursday afternoon in mid June this summer. Most of the teams got their full nine holes in before the weather interrupted play and once the winds and rain passed, the sun came out of hiding for us to enjoy the hospitality of Legacy Ridge Golf Club.  As always, we had the best group of golfers and sponsors and on behalf of the Zonta Club of Owen Sound, we would like to thank everyone for their support in making this year’s Annual Ladies Golf Classic such a success.

This year’s tournament raised an amazing $7,700, which was donated to four local organizations that provide vital services to women and girls in our community. $1,500 was provided to each of The Women’s Centre Grey Bruce, CMHA Grey Bruce Mental Health and Addictions Services, Grey Bruce Pregnancy Centre and Grey County Social Services Pantry Program.  The residual $1,700 will be used to respond to local agencies requesting support to individuals in Grey Bruce.

We already can’t wait until next year on June 12th, 2025. Mark your calendars!

Celebrating Zonta

On Wednesday, November 20th the Zontians of Owen Sound met for their monthly meeting and took the opportunity to celebrate the significant milestone of Zonta’s 105th Birthday with a special order birthday cake. It was almost too pretty to eat!  Happy Birthday Zonta! 

In line with the upcoming 16 Days of Advocacy, guest speakers from the Women’s Centre of Grey Bruce were invited to attend the meeting. This shelter is one of a network of 82 women’s shelters across Ontario. Club members were updated on provincial statistics and about current programs offered for local women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. They also presented on Anti Human Trafficking and their newest program for teens that includes an 8 room live-in shelter that provides housing, life-skills and therapy with a goal for overall healthy living for these traumatized individuals. Zonta of Owen Sound has been a long time partner and proud supporter of this vital organization. There remains much work to do together and we look forward to future fundraising efforts to support these important programs. 

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