The Zonta Club of Jamestown honored its Zontian of the Year at the club’s program meeting on October 16, at the Chautauqua Harbor Hotel. Each year the club selects a member who stands for women’s rights and advocates for equality, education, and an end to child marriage and gender-based violence. The recipient is always a valued member of the club and the community.
This year, the Zontian of the Year is Wendy Burns. Wendy is a past president of the Zonta Club of Jamestown. She is employed by Jamestown Community College as Senior Student Services Assistant in the Success Center. She is a past recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Services.
As a member of the club, Wendy Burns has been active in service, outreach, communications, and directing the future leadership of the club. She has made powerful contributions in the nine years of her membership.