A busy week for our Zonta KW Club:

November 23rd our largest group of volunteers since the pandemic gathered to assemble 1,000 birthing kits. This brings us up to 29,000 birthing kits, which will be delivered in the spring, along with an additional 1,000 we plan to assemble in May, to World Vision for delivery to a developing country in need.

On Friday November 29th, we held our successful 16 Days of Activism to End Gender Based Violence event at Kitchener City Hall rotunda. What an impactful event! We welcomed people with a smudging, drumming and singing performance, three incredible speakers from local organizations, and a youth poet who was amazing. The calls to action all were very consistent from our speakers. We had great attendance from our club members, community organizations, and several politicians, and a media interview through the radio and an article in our local newspaper. Both Kitchener and Waterloo oranged their downtown lights for several evenings to help raise awareness of our 16 Days.

It was a chilly Saturday November 30th, but Team Zonta was very proud to lace up their winter boots and walk to support the Voices Empower Walk and survivors of domestic violence for the Women Crisis Services of WR. Our team raised an incredible $10,270 which netted us top fundraiser team, and one of our walkers won the top individual fundraiser. Liz and George even joined us from Florida.

16 Ways in 16 Days – what did we do…researched stats, raised awareness, wore orange and oranged the cities, held an event, helped survivors by walking, included a male ally speaker, we will remember those who did not survive on December 6th

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