Zonta International

District 4

Two Countries United to Build a Better World for Women & Girls

“Every member matters, whether they are brand new or seasoned.  We can all work together to “Build a Better World for Women & Girls.”

“Our Zonta International president, Salla Tuominen, has chosen a new motto to help us remember our goals – Sustainability, Spirit & Speaking up For Human Rights. Everyone can use these three things to make your meetings more sustainable and full of spirit as you Speak up for Human Rights!”

Governor Jane Newman

What’s Happening in D4?

Guest Speaker Samra Zafar

Zonta International


CSW69 Update

“During the session, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized that the world is facing serious challenges and that gender equality should be at the forefront of global priorities, not pushed to the margins. He highlighted the connection between the CSW, the 30th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and the Pact for the Future, stating that all of these initiatives are interconnected through the theme of gender equality. Guterres also emphasized the crucial role of civil society, stating, ‘Civil society is on the front line in building a better life for all.’ This aligns with Zonta International’s commitment to advancing these goals.

Zonta International President Salla Tuominen

Zonta Club of Helsinki I, Finland

We proudly highlight our

See the steps our members have taken
to make a difference around the world.

Learn more about the Council of Europe

Webinar: Being a women’s rights advocate – what you should know about the Council of Europe, the continent’s leading human rights organization

The Zonta International CoE Committee is pleased to invite you to a webinar to enhance members’ knowledge on the relevance of the CoE in the field of international standards of human rights, specifically women’s rights and gender equality. Focus will also be on structure and functioning of the CoE as an intergovernmental organization as well as on Zonta’s active role through its participatory status granted in 2003.

Wednesday, 26 March
12:00 PM CDT

D4 Posts

Hamburg-Orchard Park Presents Rose Awards

Hamburg-Orchard Park Presents Rose Awards

Pictured are: Denise Fenton, Elaine Barkowski Liz Cash and Linda Young.On March 8th, the Zonta Club of Hamburg-Orchard Park presented Denise Fenton and Linda Young with the Yellow Rose Award to honor them for outstanding service in their communities.  Denise Fenton is...

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Zonta Jamestown Supports Arise Chautauqua

Zonta Jamestown Supports Arise Chautauqua

Pictured L to R are Kathy Stedman from the Zonta Club of Jamestown and Jessica McKeever from Arise Chautauqua. Zonta Club of Jamestown Supports Arise Chautauqua with Generous Donation The Zonta Club of Jamestown proudly announces its recent $1000 donation to...

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Zonta Owen Sound March Update

Zonta Owen Sound March Update

This year’s International Women’s Day was celebrated by the sale of yellow roses at a breakfast event in support of the Women’s Centre Grey Bruce.  The global theme #Accelerate Action spoke to empowering local women to tell their stories, featuring an author honouring...

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It Begins with a Strong Foundation

It Begins with a Strong Foundation

As we mark the 40th anniversary of the Zonta Foundation for Women, we want to reflect on the incredible journey we have shared as a community. Together, we have worked to build a better world for women and girls. We invite you to share your Zonta stories of impact and...

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Zonta Jamestown Celebrates IWD

Zonta Jamestown Celebrates IWD

March  8, known worldwide as International Women’s Day, is also Rose Day for members of the Zonta Club of Jamestown.  Members honored local women who demonstrate the ability to lift up other women in our community.  Each rose was presented by a club member and the...

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Zonta Jamestown’s Coldest Night of the Year Walk Team

Zonta Jamestown’s Coldest Night of the Year Walk Team

Members of the Zonta Club of Jamestown formed a team to support the YWCA in the Coldest Night of the Year Walk on February 22.  The Zonta Team raised $2500 and placed 3rd in overall fundraising out of over 20 teams. All monies raised will support transitional housing...

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Zonta Foundation for Women’s 40th Anniversary Giving campaign

Zonta Foundation for Women’s 40th Anniversary Giving campaign

Upon our 40th anniversary, we ask you to consider what Zonta means to you and make a special gift in honor of all we have accomplished and all we still need to do   Zonta Foundation for Women's 40th Anniversary Giving campaign This year’s Rose Day fundraising campaign...

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Zonta Corry’s Guest Feb. Speaker

Zonta Corry’s Guest Feb. Speaker

Jennifer Bliss, left, affiliate director for I Support the Girls - Northwest PA, goes over some literature about the program with Connie Cooper, president of the Zonta Club of the Corry Area. Bliss, a member of the Zonta Club of Warren, was the guest speaker at the...

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Zonta Hamburg-Orchard Park

Zonta Hamburg-Orchard Park

Club members create displays in the Hamburg and Orchard Park libraries during the 16 Days of Activism. Peggy Minnich, Kathi Scanlon, Judy Powers and Barb Einstein holding club ZSNO banner 

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Zonta Jamestown Inducts New Members

Zonta Jamestown Inducts New Members

Zonta Club of Jamestown Welcomes New Members The Zonta Club of Jamestown is proud to announce the induction of its newest members, further strengthening its mission to build a better world for women and girls. The induction ceremony, held on January 22, welcomed four...

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Zonta Jamestown Hosts Local People’s March

Zonta Jamestown Hosts Local People’s March

On January 18, 2025, in addition to the tens of thousands of everyday people from all over the U.S. and the world who converged in Washington, D.C. for a mass march, the Zonta Club of Jamestown hosted a local People’s March.  Participants joined club members from as...

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ZC of Owen Sound

ZC of Owen Sound

Zonta of Owen Sound was busy in December wrapping up the end of 2024, assembling Hygiene Kits for local women in need at the monthly meeting.  This year another 50 kits were compiled and delivered to four agencies in the city of Owen Sound that provide services to...

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ZC Kitchener-Waterloo Donate to Noble House

ZC Kitchener-Waterloo Donate to Noble House

The Zonta Club of Kitchener - Waterloo members donated items and cash to purchase items to fill 27 gift bags for the residents of a local group home Noble House. For some, this might be their only Christmas gift under the tree. One resident, thanks to a generous...

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Zonta Corry’s Actions

Zonta Corry’s Actions

Red Kettle Drive Donation Barb Chase, left, a member of the Zonta Club of the Corry Area, presents a $500 check to Major Ron Heimbrock of the Corry Salvation for the organization’s annual Red Kettle Drive. The Zonta club donates the money as part of its service...

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Zonta Kitchener-Waterloo Actions

Zonta Kitchener-Waterloo Actions

A busy week for our Zonta KW Club: November 23rd our largest group of volunteers since the pandemic gathered to assemble 1,000 birthing kits. This brings us up to 29,000 birthing kits, which will be delivered in the spring, along with an additional 1,000 we plan to...

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Amelia Earhart Day January 11th

Amelia Earhart Day January 11th

The D4 Amelia Earhart Fellowship Committee and the Zonta Foundation Committee request that in January the clubs commemorate Amelia Earhart Day by providing information to the members about the Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program On 11 January 1935, Earhart embarked on a...

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Zonta Jamestown Activities

Zonta Jamestown Activities

During the months of November and December, members of the Zonta Club of Jamestown donated items to bring holiday joy to ANEW.  Pictured dropping off the donations are Zontians Wendy Burns and Kathy Stedman.The 16 Days of Activism During the 16 Days of Activism each...

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ZC of Owen Sound’s Advocacy Actions

ZC of Owen Sound’s Advocacy Actions

Bright and early Monday, Nov 25th, 2024 a sizeable crowd attended Owen Sound City Hall to raise the Zonta Flag in support of Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women.  November 25th is recognized as International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women....

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ZC of Corry: Gifts to Domestic Violence Shelter

ZC of Corry: Gifts to Domestic Violence Shelter

Corry Zonta Donates Gift Bags Sandy Crowell, left, and Bev Burton, members of the Service and Advocacy committee for the Zonta Club of the Corry Area, show bags of gifts that Zonta members donated to Safe Journey so victims of domestic abuse and teen dating violence...

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Participating in Partner Organization Events

Participating in Partner Organization Events

16 Days of Activism Participating in Partner Organization events I am a member of Zonta Club of Toronto and Lieutenant Governor of District 4. On October 24, 2024, I joined my friends Maria and Rob to participate in The Royal LePage Shelter Foundation Night Light Walk...

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Governor’s Nov. 2024 Message

Governor’s Nov. 2024 Message

Happy Thanksgiving my American Zonta friends! I hope you have had a great weekend with family and friends. As we start the 16 Days of Activism, I hope your club is doing something special during that time, whether in person or on your social media.  Remember to share...

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Zonta Foundation for Women

Zonta Foundation for Women

The District 4 Zonta Foundation Ambassadors and Committee thank you in advance for your support to the Zonta Foundation for Women by donating to Every Member Every November!  When you donate to the Foundation: You make a positive impact on someone’s life. Every...

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What’s Happening in ZC of Owen Sound

What’s Happening in ZC of Owen Sound

Fabulous & Fun Fashion Show On Friday, Sept 27th the Zonta Club of Owen Sound came together for a truly Fabulous and FUN evening!  The committee raised in excess of $3000.00 from this sold out fashion show, with the proceeds to be allocated for initiatives in our...

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Build a Better World for Women & Girls

with District 4


2024 – 2026 Governor’s Class:

Shining, Team, of Active, Resourceful Zontians

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